ClarityTel Industry Insights

Advantages of VoIP for Small Business


In today’s business landscape, work happens anywhere, anytime, with employees always on the move. As cubicles become less common, there are many advantages of VoIP for small business.

How do VoIP systems help?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems give the business owner and employees a mobile workstation. VoIP business phone systems prove advantageous to the small business as they enhance access to communications, improve collaboration among business teams, encourage working smarter and enable flexibility.

Enhanced Access

Call routing. Employees are away from their desk 50-60% of the time, per Global Workplace Analytics (GWA). With VoIP call routing, program incoming calls to follow workers to another extension in the office as well as out of the office to a mobile device. A mobile device can also be used to place and return calls from the VoIP service, with its caller ID.

Unified voicemail box. Instead of having to dial in to a voicemail box, VoIP business phone systems use a unified voicemail box. Everyone can receive notifications and access their voicemail online — even when they are out of the traditional office space — either by email or via mobile device.

Unlimited calling. With voice traffic handled online on the VoIP service provider’s network, all  calls are treated equally enabling unlimited local and long-distance calling.

Improved Collaboration

Conference call capabilities. VoIP voice solutions can add a second outgoing call to an already connected call and initiate a call for up to six callers. Encourage collaboration among those working off-site by meeting together, even virtually, for a VoIP call.

Virtual fax. With VoIP-enabled online faxing, it is possible to receive multiple incoming faxes at one time. Fax documents arrive in the email inbox as a pdf that is easy to store and save or forward on to colleagues. Sending and receiving faxes from a computer also means employees can access fax services wherever and whenever they can get online and access e-mail.

Working Smarter

Call recording. With software as a service (SaaS) call recording, the business can insure high quality service and regulatory compliance. With each inbound and outbound call recorded, the company can enhance training techniques, easily retrieve call information in dispute and refund cases, and save, delete, forward audio files of the call recordings via e-mail for internal review.

Data analytics. A VoIP service provider connects you to an online dashboard on which you can customize and manage business telephony services. Use the analytics available — such as call logs detailing calls by extension or account — to make more data-driven business decisions.

Increased Flexibility

Easy scaling. Without the hardware required of a traditional phone land line, VoIP services are simple and easy-to-install. Bypassing the need for an in-house PBX gives the business the flexibility needed to expand while minimizing growing pains.

Greater mobility. Currently, 20-25% of the American workforce is teleworking — using technology to work remotely or at mobile workstations, according to GWA research. In fact, the telework/telecommuting trend is driving many Fortune 1000 worldwide to revamp their office spaces around the mobile reality. VoIP phone systems make it even easier for a small business to grow its employee base without needing to expand its footprint.

ClarityTel VoIP phone systems are an affordable solution with advanced technology features for the small business.

Global Workplace Analytics. (2016, January). Latest Telecommuting Statistics.